Noaem Skin

Getting Married? Wedding Skincare Explained

If you are getting married you probably fall into one of two camps:

Camp 1: Partner proposed ages ago. It’s all been a whirlwind of engagement, finding a venue, choosing a dress, whittling down the guest list to a realistic number, deciding between Prosecco or Champagne on arrival.
Camp 2: Partner proposes late winter and you both decide you want to get married this summer! Oh my goodness, is this even possible? Well I can tell you from experience, it is!

Planning a wedding and time rapidly passing you by? Keep calm, it’s not too late to get your glow on!

Inevitably, there will be a large proportion of people in both camps that think of their pre-wedding skin preparation very late on. Cue hands to face and a loud scream! Well don’t panic, because we are here to help. It’s very easy to say ‘don’t leave your skin prep to the last minute‘, but the reality of life doesn’t always make this easy.

Skin First, Make-up Second

Whether you marry in a church, on a beach, in a forest or in a castle, one thing is for sure – on your wedding day your heart will be smiling and you will be glowing from within! There is nothing more beautiful than that. But what can you do to give your skin a boost beforehand? The most common descriptions of wedding day skin goals are:

  • Luminous
  • Fresh
  • Glowing
  • Plumped up
  • Dewy natural complexion
  • Clear
  • Bright

Great skin is the perfect base for make-up and a nice smooth, exfoliated surface will ensure your foundation sits beautifully.


If you have never invested in good quality skincare before, then now is the time. You don’t want to be trying out new products too close to the wedding in case you have any reaction. And bear in mind that the benefits of good skincare are seen after a few months of consistent use.
When you need results, you need to use skincare that actually works. This means medical-grade skincare or cosmeceuticals that contain BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE ingredients. They do what they say on the tin! The three crucial components are:

1. Sunscreen
2. Exfoliation
3. Antioxidant Serum

Let’s break this down.

1. Sunscreen

Wearing sunscreen everyday will protect all the good work you are doing to improve your skin before the wedding. Choosing a cosmetically elegant sunscreen is crucial because it means you will wear it and it will not be too heavy, blocking your pores. Now is the time to invest and this is a habit to keep up going forward!

2. Exfoliation

If this is conjuring up memories of grainy, scratchy scrubs, then put those memories in a box and forget about them! Exfoliating has moved on in a massive way. Look out for products containing AHAs (Alpha-hydroxy acids) and fruit acids that can be incorporated into your at-home skincare regime. These acids dissolve dry skin cells and leave the underlying skin brighter and feeling smooth. Ideally look for a product that should be kept on over-night as this is when they really get to work!
One of our favourite products is the award winning SkinCeuticals Glycolic 10 Renew Overnight. With this product in your arsenal, used on the face and neck nightly, your skin will be glowing healthily with a refined radiance on your wedding day!

3. Antioxidant Serum

If there was ever a time to invest in a good quality Vitamin C serum, trust me, it is now! Not only will it brighten your skin, it will also reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, enhance the firmness and elasticity of the skin all while protecting it from the harmful effects of the environment.
We would always recommend the most famous antioxidant serum of all, SkinCeuticals CE Ferulic. It is a star antioxidant fully backed by science. It doesn’t get better than that!
As well as the above, remember that cleansing the skin well, morning and evening, is ESSENTIAL!
Make-up wipes do not cut it here. A good cleanser suitable for your skin type is a must and if you are wearing make-up, consider double cleansing.

4. Professional Skincare Treatments

Now is the time to start thinking about what you want to achieve for your skin before the big day. The best way to do this is to make an appointment with a skin professional and together, work within your budget and set your goals just like you have with your personal trainer. How motivating is it to have to ‘check in’ every so often?
The options here are many. Let’s talk through a few:

5. Chemical Skin Peels

A course of skin peels can deal with lots of skin concerns. They improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, diminish the appearance of uneven skin tone and dark spots due to pigmentation, smooth the texture of the skin and reduce the recurrence of blemishes as well as brightening a dull complexion.
Superficial peels are a fantastic option to get the skin glowing without any downtime. They are very effective without the redness and flaking skin. They can be used for sensitive skin, problematic skin, photo-damaged skin, acne prone skin and skin with uneven tone, pigmentation and age spots.
A course of six is normally recommended over 3 months but ideally you should be looking to finish these around 6 weeks before the wedding. If you can’t fit in six then whatever you can manage will still provide you with great results! They just need a 2 week interval between them.

6. Skin Solutions

These are targeted, prescriptive treatments for particular skin types. Whether your skin needs hydrating, detoxing, brightening, redness reducing or just a super nutritious treatment, these are an essential part of wedding skin prep!
Using pure and potent biologically active ingredients, these treatments will deliver, whatever your skin concern. A minimum of 3 treatments is ideal at monthly intervals. The last treatment should be 2 weeks before the wedding.

7. Microneedling

Otherwise known as Collagen Induction Therapy, this treatment has an array of benefits to the skin. A course of 3-6 treatments can improve the appearance of fine lines, improve the texture of the skin, plump the skin through collagen production and increased hydration, reduce pore size and improve acne scars. Treatments are carried out every 4-6 weeks so if time is on your side, this is another fantastic option. The downtime on this treatment is minimal, equivalent to the feeling of moderate sunburn but should only last a couple of days.

8. Injectables

Injectables can provide quick and beautiful results but if you are considering them prior to your wedding we would recommend you only proceed if you have plenty of time before the big day. If you have got the time, book in for a consultation as soon as possible so the treatment options can be discussed and considered after receiving all of the relevant information.

9. Not Just A Pretty Face!

Remember that the focus is not solely on your face on the big day. Your hands are going to be photographed plenty and everyone will want to see the ring! Ladies, your décolletage will likely be on full display in your beautiful dress.

10. Hands

Our poor hardworking hands are often neglected and can suffer from dryness, fine lines, pigmentation and age spots. Peels can address all of these issues.  As the skin on our hands is much thicker than the face, stronger peel solutions can be used which can be left on for longer. Your skin will be beaming with radiance and luminosity just like your ring!

11. Décolletage

Years of sun exposure can often leave the décolletage area looking textured and dull. It’s an area that is quite often forgotten in terms of applying SPF. So, what are the options here?
Well there are two options, firstly peels can be applied here too and get to work giving a brighter and smoother appearance. Secondly, Microneedling is a great option for this area. The collagen stimulation improves the appearance of the skin reducing fine lines and having a plumping effect.

12. Lifestyle

In the lead up to the wedding, a combination of stress, nerves and tiredness can take over so this is a reminder to STOP, take a breath and recharge. Do some exercise, yoga, meditation, mindfulness or anything else that works to ground you. Eat well, your energy levels and your skin will thank you for it! Drink enough water and get enough sleep. These are all equally as important as any treatments you decide to have.

13. Final Word

One word of advice I can give is to enjoy every second of your wedding day, it will go in a flash! Memories of our wedding day fill my heart with joy, it really was so much fun and we wouldn’t have changed a thing… even with just 3 months of planning!
If there is any help or advice you would like from reading this article, please do get in touch. We love a good wedding at Noaem Skin and would take great pleasure in helping you get your glow on for your big day!

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