Noaem Skin

How can we make skin behave younger?

Here at Noaem Skin our medical aesthetics and cosmetic skin health practice has been undergoing something of an evolution over the last 18 months.

If you have ever walked into an aesthetics clinic in recent times to enquire about options for rejuvenating your skin, the chances are you would be offered some form of injectable treatment such as soft tissue filler or skin boosters, perhaps alongside more traditional rejuvenating treatments like facials or chemical peels.

And while these treatments, when appropriately used, offer some cosmetic benefit and can even be a nice treat, they are by-and-large focussed on concealing the signs of ageing rather than addressing ageing itself.

But times are changing. What if we told you that, instead of simply concealing the effects of skin ageing, we can stop skin ageing in its tracks, and even trigger the skin-ageing clock to start ticking backwards?  That instead of just making your skin look younger, we can make it behave younger as well?

Well, at Noaem Skin we now can.  And all thanks to the evolving field of Regenerative Aesthetic Medicine.

What is Regenerative Aesthetic Medicine?

Put simply, regenerative aesthetic medicine is concerned with making our skin not just look less aged, but behave that way too.

Throughout adulthood our skin, like all the tissues in our bodies, is fighting a constant battle against the causes of ageing.  Inflammation due to illness and injury caused by exposure to chemicals, pollutants, UV and other stressors, all take their toll.

In early adulthood our body’s ability to regenerate itself and stay healthy is remarkable; it can overcome most things that the business of being alive throws at it.

But as we age, indeed the reason why we age, is that our capacity for healing starts to slow.  The mechanisms for regeneration become less efficient.  And our skin along with our other body tissues starts to suffer.

How does Regenerative Aesthetic Medicine cause the skin to behave younger?

Regenerative aesthetic medicine works by directly addressing the reasons why our skin ages, rather than just treating the consequences.  Beginning right down with the very thing that controls how all our cells behave; our DNA.

You see, our DNA is a set of instructions at the centre of every cell that tells the cell what to do – what proteins to make, when and how much – in order to keep our tissues healthy.

But because every cell is a copy of a copy of copy, over time errors in DNA start to accumulate.  This means our cells having to expend energy on fixing the errors before they can get to work producing the collagen, elastin and all the other good proteins our skin needs to keep it vibrant and healthy.

So, how does the regenerative approach we take at Noaem Skin differ from the traditional, symptom-focussed rejuvenation approach?  Before undertaking any treatment designed to stimulate collagen and elastin production, we can prime the skin with nucleotide treatments that give our cells the molecular materials they need to correct any DNA errors they have.

This allows our skin cells – our fibroblasts in particular – to become much more efficient protein producing factories, improving the speed of our skin’s recovery and regenerative cycles and so yielding much better results in terms of response to the collagen-stimulating treatments we offer in our clinic.

We are literally taking the skin back to the time when it could maintain a beautifully natural, youthful appearance all by itself. Skin that is not  just looking younger, but behaving younger.

The Future of Regenerative Aesthetic Medicine

At Noaem Skin we have made sure that we are ahead of the curve when it comes to regenerative skin treatments because they align perfectly with our philosophy of optimising and sustaining your cosmetic skin health and appearance as naturally as possible.

We have been offering nucleotide treatments – in the form of injectable polynucleotides – since early 2023, and have been seeing some truly inspiring results.

We were at RAMCE 2023, the first ever medical conference dedicated entirely to the use of regenerative medicine in aesthetics and skin cosmetics, to make sure we are amongst the first to gain access to the latest developments in these pioneering treatments and techniques.

Expect to hear a lot more about Regenerative Aesthetic Medicine as the industry starts to play catchup.  But remember where you first heard about it.

Find out more about our Polynucleotide injections and for more expert skincare advice and tips follow us on Instagram

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