Noaem Skin

Supplements for skin health

Those that have read our ‘About Us’ section on our website will know that we started as an aesthetics clinic back in 2019. Our vision was always much greater than just aesthetics and we have always valued improving the health of your skin over filling it. In this blog post we look at the best supplements for skin health.

Having both worked in healthcare for so many years and with our in-depth medical and pharmaceutical training behind us, we have naturally evolved towards promoting general good health, wellbeing and longevity. Iki has a background in supplements and has studied and recommended them for many years in her capacity as a pharmacist.

In the Noaem household, we take a few different supplements between us that we wouldn’t be without. We take supplements to ensure we age well and support our longevity when life consistently throws challenges our way. 

We take collagen to support not only our skin but our joints and gut. We take gut supplements to restore the microbiome that modern life can disrupt. We take natural supplements that help us get a good night’s sleep and also those that pick us up from our mid-afternoon slump. We even take supplements that help prevent pigmentation in our skin. 

We have decided to stock these supplements in our clinic as we wanted to share them with you. Here are our favourite supplements for skin health and wellbeing:

Nuchido Time+

NAD+ is also known as the healthy ageing molecule as it slows down cellular ageing. It is found in every cell of the body and is essential for over 500 reactions within the cell, most importantly – cellular energy production and maintenance and repair of our cells. 

Our cells need high levels of NAD+ to function well however our levels naturally decline by 50% every 20 years that we age. It is this decline that is the key driver of the cellular ageing processes. Ways to increase your NAD+ levels include fasting, exercise and supplements. 

Which brings us to Nuchido Time+, the perfect supplement for people who are proactive about maintaining their health, sustaining an active lifestyle and ageing well. 

We came across this supplement when both of us attended seminars on Regenerative Aesthetic Medicine and saw the super impressive Dr Nichola Conlon speak on this fantastic product that she founded. We were both blown away by her research, her knowledge and her passion for healthy ageing. 

Nuchido Time + is backed by human clinical trials, boosts cellular NAD+ levels, increases energy levels (whoop!), reduces inflammation, enhances cellular health, promotes healthy ageing and reverses biological age. We are hooked!

Collagen Supplements

When we looked for a collagen supplement to stock,  we wanted to cover all angles in terms of what we were aiming to help, dietary restrictions, packaging, formulation (drink/powder/mix into coffee) and flavour. For that reason, we decided on two different options. Here they are:

~ Totally Derma

We were very keen on this brand as it is far more than just a collagen supplement. We know that many people are looking for multiple benefits from their collagen including skin, joint and gut support as well as help with menopausal symptoms. 

This evidence-based powder is made up with water and has a vanilla flavour. It contains a patented form of hydrolysed bovine collagen (from cows), at a therapeutic dose, with a very low molecular weight ensuring a 95% absorption rate.  

Type I collagen (for skin, hair, nails, bones), type II (for tendons, ligaments, cartilage) and type III (blood vessels, connective tissue, gut) can be found in this product so it is a whole body solution.

It also contains a highly absorbable form of hyaluronic acid  which not only hydrates our skin but also lubricates and improves elasticity in our joints. This product is full of win-wins! 

You will also find five powerful antioxidants in this supplement which support collagen synthesis, repair UV damage and have an anti inflammatory action among other benefits. These are alongside two minerals, copper and manganese which support the formation of strong, healthy collagen. 

You can expect to see smoother, more hydrated, firmer skin with more elasticity and a reduced appearance of wrinkles. It can also help your hair and nails. The formulation can improve stiff and painful joints through cartilage repair. It also contains L-Glutamine which can help to heal and seal the protective lining of the gut, reducing the leakiness of it which can greatly improve the appearance of our skin. Lastly, it has a beneficial effect on many of the genitourinary symptoms of menopause. 

~ Skinade

Skinade is the other collagen supplement we recommend. This product contains collagen from marine sources and it focuses purely on skin. This British made product is formulated to perfection ensuring the collagen peptides are absorbed easily and quickly. The absorption of this product begins in your mouth.

Skinade is a firm favourite of Victoria Beckham and comes ready made in a daily dose bottle or a ready to mix sachet. It has a natural flavour of mangosteen and peach and also contains vitamin C, MSM, vitamin B complex, Omegas 3 & 6 and L-lysine which help to support our skin. 

When taken for a 12 week period, Skinade can help increase skin hydration and smoothness with a reduction in fine lines. The suppleness of the skin should improve while the product also helps to prevent the formation or deep wrinkles. 

This is another evidence-based, high quality collagen supplement. 

When it comes to collagen supplements, be careful where you invest your money. There are plenty of products on the market (or should we say on social media) that promise the earth, are celebrity endorsed and are marketed well. Without the evidence to support their effectiveness, it is a total gamble as to what they will achieve.

ALLSKIN | MED Pigmentation Capsules

We all know how difficult it can be to avoid the detrimental effects of strong sunshine in the summer. Whether it is going out for your morning run or the kids wanting you to join them in the pool on holiday, strong sunlight on the face is likely at times. 

When you have been diligent all year with your skin treatments, your retinoid use, regular exfoliation, sunscreen use and hat wearing, it can be extremely frustrating when spots or patches of pigmentation start to appear on the skin.

This is where the clever scientists at Cantabria Labs have come up with a solution. No longer relying on sun avoidance alone, we can now manage our pigmentation from the inside. 

AllSkin | Med Pigmentation Capsules are an innovative food supplement scientifically proven to correct and prevent pigmentation. It is a great option for those who want to control signs of pigmentation related to sun exposure, those who want to enhance luminosity, uniform skin tone and brighten the complexion, those who want to prevent signs of ageing and also for those who are having treatments to reduce pigmentation in clinic. The dosage is one or two capsules per day, depending on the reason for use. 

We are so pleased to see a skincare company focusing not only on topical preparations but supporting the holistic treatment of our skin.

Indi Mind and Rest

We came across Indi Supplements recently and were quite taken with their mission. A husband and wife team (like us), Helen and Chris, created Indi with a view to introduce nutrients in a whole food form rather than synthetic. The name Indi comes from the word indigenous – and the products contain nutritious ingredients commonly found in indigenous diets.

First up, let’s talk about Mind – If brain fog or mid-afternoon energy slumps are a recurrent feature in your life, this is a perfect alternative to tea or coffee. Without the jittery, wired feeling that both can cause, Mind can work within 10 minutes and last up to 4 hours without the peaks and crashes (slow- release caffeine from guarana ensures this). Cocoa and beetroot act as vasodilators, increasing blood flow to the brain – the powder also has a delicious natural dark chocolate berry flavour. It also contains Haskap berry – a potent antioxidant helps improve memory, L-Tyrosine to help maintain focus, Magnesium – an essential nutrient for nerve function and memory formation, Co-enzyme Q10 – support our mitochondria (cell powerhouses) and cell energy formation, Bacopa Monnieri – an adaptogen and nootropic that can help lower anxiety and improve cognition, Rhodiola – an adaptogen that can help reduce cortisol and last but not in any way least Lion’s Mane Mushroom – studies have shown that this ingredient may help the formation of new neurons in our brain improving cognitive performance and possibly helping to protect against degenerative brain diseases. 

Secondly, if Mind picks us up, Rest is the product we turn to in the evening. Whether your sleep disturbance is due to stress, anxiety or hormonal fluctuations, a few drops of this natural sleep remedy under the tongue helps to induce deep and restful sleep. We find that it works within half an hour and we feel rested by the morning. It contains Ashwagandha – an adaptogen that reduces cortisol levels and promote relaxation, L-Theanine – an amino acid that helps reduce stress and combat insomnia, Chamomile – a relaxing ingredient, Valerian – a natural sedative, Peppermint – a natural muscle relaxant and Myo-Inositol – can improve sleep quality and help you fall back to sleep if woken.


Symprove is our gut supplement and we were seriously impressed by the evidence backing this product. With clinical trials carried out at King’s College Hospital and a further independent study at UCL, this unique water-based formula gets billions of bacteria to your gut alive (this is important) where they don’t just survive, they thrive – helping us feel good!

Studies suggest that an imbalanced gut microbiome can contribute to the development of disease and health conditions. Many factors can negatively affect our gut microbiome including diet, sleep, exercise, medication, ageing and physical and mental health.

Symprove is so easy to take – a 70ml shot every morning (it comes as a liquid in weekly bottles), 10 minutes before any food or drink. We do this first thing, sort the kids out while we brew some coffee and then sit down to our breakfast. There are various flavours available to suit all tastes. We can almost feel the 10 billion units of live bacteria start working and it makes us feel content that along with kefir and kimchi that we try to incorporate into our diets, we are looking after our guts.

So there you have it, our supplement essentials that keep us able to survive with the stresses of daily life and dare I say it, even thrive at times!

To be clear, we do not both take all of these supplements together all of the time. As a pharmacist, Iki is always checking that maximum recommended doses are not being exceeded and also that there are no interactions between supplements and conventional medicine we may be taking – yes, even natural ingredients can interact with medicines and each other! If you read the back of packets, they generally say to contact your doctor or pharmacist before use – we couldn’t have made this any easier for you at Noaem Skin with both healthcare professions leading the clinic.

For more skin health advice and skincare tips follow us on Instagram.

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