Noaem Skin

Creating Good Skin Care Habits

When it comes to skincare, we have made no secret of the fact that consistency gets results.  And when it comes to consistency, the habit is king.  However it is worth remembering that creating good skin care habits are only any good if they involve doing the right things; using effective products and undertaking effective treatments.

Habits are learnt through repetition, but like all learning, developing useful habits can take time and effort.  Did you know it takes an average of 66 days to develop a new habit?  Two months might sound like a lot, but everyone is different and some people can develop habits in as little as 18 days, while other tasks can take a whopping 254 days to become habitual!  We’ll take two months if it means developing a lifelong helpful habit. 

Our skin cycle

One skin cycle – the time it takes for a new skin cell to form in the deeper layer of skin and to work its way up to the surface and flake off – takes 5-6 weeks.  And we need to allow around three skin cycles of consistent use to really see the results of a new skincare product.  That’s up to 18 weeks of consistent effort, more than enough time for a helpful new habit to form.

So if the key to getting results is consistency, and the key to consistency is forming good skin care habits, the activity itself needs to be appealing enough that we will actually do it regularly.  So we encourage our clients to think of their skincare routine as more of a ritual, particularly in those early weeks when good habits are still forming.  A ritual is taking the time to do something with your full attention, as well as you can, and enjoying the fact you are doing something that is to your benefit; taking some time for yourself to engage in some self-care or even engage in a period of mindfulness.

10 good skin care habits or rituals that will make a difference to your skin:

Use SPF every day

  • Make this your priority. There is no point attempting any of the other ideas on the list if you are not doing this.
  • Facial sun protection products have come on leaps and bounds. They can be as moisturising or as lightweight as you like. Some even have a tint and can replace your makeup.

Book in for a skin consultation

  • Not so much a habit but a key step; if you have not had your skin scanned before, how do you know you are using the right products for your skin type? 
  • Would you go to a department store with a full face of makeup and come home with a recommended routine? In this day and age, that’s just not good enough. 
  • Using the wrong products is not beneficial to your skin – whatever the price tag or whichever beauty editor has recommended them.

Drink more water

  • Hydrate from within by drinking plenty of water, add some cucumber or mint if you struggle with this.
  • Herbal teas are perfect for keeping hydrated in winter.

Cleanse your skin well

  • Cleanse twice daily with the right type of cleanser for your skin – make this the year that you don’t ever fall asleep with your makeup on! 
  • Double cleanse if you wear make up or SPF (See point 1) using either micellar water or a balm first. Please don’t spend a fortune on cleansing products, it is not necessary!

Stop over-exfoliating

  • This is a very common problem that we see these days and it is damaging the skin barrier. 
  • Scrubs can be very abrasive and the array of chemical exfoliants on the market is mindblowing.
  • It is good to exfoliate the skin, however there is an appropriate type of product used at appropriate intervals for your unique skin type.

Introduce antioxidants or anti-pollution products to your routine

  • This is an easy one. Just adding a serum to your routine will protect your skin from environmental damage and premature ageing.

Don’t forget a retinoid

  • The evidence behind the benefits of retinoids is solid. Also, there is a retinoid serum for everyone.
  • If you have tried one and struggled with dryness or if you have tried an off-the-shelf one that didn’t do anything or if the whole thing baffles you and you don’t know where to start then see point 2 – we will help you get started on your retinoid journey.

Take your skincare down your neck to your décolletage

  • These areas are often neglected however they are just as vulnerable to damage and visible signs of ageing.

Wash your makeup brushes regularly

  • When you see what comes off them, it is easy to start a habit – Yuck!
  • You can use specialist products or even baby shampoo. Whatever you choose, just do it.

Regular clinic treatments pay off

  • We have had so many skin subscribers in the past whose skin we have transformed, so we can attest to the truth of the above statement. 
  • They used their home skincare routines as recommended and turned up for their treatments – sounds pretty simple? It is!
  • One off treatments will have an effect, however nothing beats the result with a  consistent course or package.

Find out more about our skin consultations so we can help you start creating a good skincare habit to suit your skin. For more expert skincare advice and tips follow us on Instagram

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