Noaem Skin

Injectable Skin Boosters

It’s not surprising that we get asked about injectable skin boosters often. The name is intriguing and it seems to generate a real ‘Fear Of Missing Out’ reaction! Of course, we all want our skin ‘boosted’ and we certainly don’t want to miss out. However, very little seems to be known about these treatments by our clients so we felt it was time to explain!

Our clients tend to refer to skin boosters in all sorts of different ways including ‘injectable moisturiser’ and ‘the skin bobbly treatment’ – yes really! Some refer to them specifically by their brand names e.g. Redensity 1 or Profhilo, while not really understanding what they are.

So let’s start at the beginning and use the apple analogy – as an apple gets older, it dries out and the skin is no longer hydrated or shiny looking. This is not dissimilar to what happens with our skin. Young skin is kept well hydrated and plump as hyaluronic acid acts like a sponge in our dermis layer of skin, holding on to water. As we age, we lose Hyaluronic acid (along with collagen and elastin) and the skin becomes thinner, dehydrated, creased and dull. 

This is where injectable skin boosters come to the rescue. These are solutions of Hyaluronic acid which are injected directly into the skin flooding it with hydration, restoring a dull dehydrated appearance. Some brands of skin boosters contain a multitude of additional ingredients alongside e.g. antioxidants, amino acids, minerals and vitamins – why not nourish the skin while hydrating it?

This treatment smooths the appearance of lines and wrinkles, restores volume to the skin and gives back your glow that has dulled over time. 

Some of you will be thinking that this sounds a bit like filler. Similar but not quite! Filler is also made from Hyaluronic acid but it is crosslinked. This means that in the syringe, it is a honey-like consistency but when it is injected, it hardens to varying degrees depending on what type of filler is being used which is dependent on where it is being injected.

Injectable skin boosters are made of non-crosslinked Hyaluronic acid and therefore they do not harden. They remain in a gel-like form after being injected superficially into the skin and carry out a hydrating function with no change to the shape of your face at all – just achieving a beautifully dewy and luminous complexion by the revitalising the skin.

Who is it good for?

It is a good option for people seeing the first signs of ageing as the antioxidants contained in some boosters will protect the skin from damage while hydrating it.

It is also an exceptional treatment for mature skin that is becoming thinner and more creased with time. It plumps it up with goodness.

Here in Brighton and Hove, we really feel the brunt of the winter weather with the cold winds coming in off the sea. The lower temperatures with low humidity in combination with hot showers and central heating draws moisture from our skin. The skin barrier is also compromised in winter months which adds to the problem. So a combination of injectable skin boosters alongside a more intense moisturiser will help to avoid that tight feeling we can experience in these months and normalise hydration levels.

When and where is it for?

Injectable skin boosters can be used regularly to maintain healthy-looking skin or can be used alongside other treatments. They are also a good option when the skin needs a quick glow-up; think special occasions – especially the Christmas party season!  It is a great way to refresh the skin without having to wait for the results to appear. They are fairly instant.

The face, neck, decollete and hands can all be treated with injectable skin boosters.

One of our favourite boosters is called Redensity 1 and is made by the world-renowned Swiss brand Teoxane. We love this product because it contains a good concentration of Hyaluronic acid with protective antioxidants and multiple ingredients that are involved in tissue restructuring and cell regeneration. With results such as a 61% improvement in hydration, 60% improved radiance, 56% improved elasticity and a 59% improvement in texture – what’s not to love?

The treatment involves the application of anaesthetic cream to numb the area, followed by a series of superficial microinjections. The little bumps on the skin will go down over the next 48 hours as the product is absorbed into your tissues. Results are visible after just one treatment however an initial course of usually 3 treatments is recommended with a single top treatment every 4-6 months to maintain the results. If you are using a simple clinical-grade skincare routine alongside, your results will last longer. 

Quick results are often difficult to obtain when it comes to the skin, so injectable skin boosters are very much here to stay with technology improving by the day. So if you are keen to ditch (or at least reduce!) wearing makeup, this treatment lights up your skin from within! 

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Find out more about the injectable skin boosting Treatments we offer at Noaem Skin, or book your treatment here

Injectable Skin Boosting Treatments at Noaem Skin Clinic
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