Noaem Skin

Skin Concerns

skin concerns

Skin Concerns

If you have a skin concern you’d like help with, enlist Noaem Skin to guide you on your journey to better skin. 

We offer everything from an initial consultation to courses of treatments and a fantastic range of products, all aimed at improving your skin’s health and appearance.

We have an in-depth scientific understanding of cosmetic skin health, so we know which products and treatments are suitable for various skin types and conditions, and those that should be avoided.  So you can feel confident your skin is in the best possible hands.

Want to discuss your skin concern with us?

Our highly professional and knowledgeable team, advanced treatments and product menu and comforting atmosphere makes Noaem Skin the ideal place to start your journey to healthier, better looking skin.


Hyperpigmentation & Sun Damage

An even skin tone is the foundation of radiant and healthy-looking skin. 

Hyperpigmentation occurs when melanocytes – the cells that produce our skin’s brown pigment – become overactive. This can be in response to overexposure to the sun, inflammation from breakouts, skin injury or overly aggressive skin treatments, and also hormones.

But whether it is age spots from years of accumulated UV exposure, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, or melasma due to hormones, we are experienced at identifying the triggers and developing a treatment plan to counteract the production of melanin and return the skin to a more even-toned state.

Potentially Beneficial Treatments: Medical-Grade Skincare, Chemical Peels, SkinPen Microneedling.

Forehead, frown & eye lines

One of the most common concerns amongst our clients, lines in the upper face are usually the result of repeated movement of the muscles of facial expression.

Fortunately there are a wide range of treatments that can be used to safely target this problem and bring about naturally refreshing results.

Potentially Beneficial Treatments: Botox injections, skin peels, microneedling, skin booster injections, polynucleotide injections.

Forehead, frown and eye wrinkles

Ageing or tired eyes

Whether or not the eyes are truly the window to the soul, they are certainly one of the first facial features the people we meet are drawn to. The skin around the eyes is thinner than the rest of our face and so ages faster, betraying what we may not want people to see, or what may not even be true.

The most common concerns for the eye area include tired-looking eyes, dark circles, hollowness, saggy or crepey skin, and of course fine lines and wrinkles. Fortunately there are a number of wonderfully effective treatments that are safe to use in this area that can bring about transformative results.

Potentially Beneficial Treatments: Polynucleotide injections microneedling, Botox injections, skin booster injections.

loss of fullness & elasticity

The breakdown of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid as we age results in loss of firmness, plumpness and elasticity of our skin. Thinning and sagging of the skin combined with increases in expression lines and wrinkles can be a real problem for our clients. This is strongly associated with oestrogen levels and so is a particular problem for women approaching perimenopause.

Fortunately at Noaem Skin we are able to bring you the most cutting-edge treatments and products to stimulate the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid to prevent and reverse the ageing process.

Potentially Beneficial Treatments: Advanced Facials, Chemical Peels, SkinPen Microneedling, Mesotherapy, Radiofrequency, Polynucleotides, Injectable Skin Boosters.

Loss of fullness and elasticity

Changes around the mouth, nose & chin

As we age our faces undergo changes to bone structure, loss of quality of our skin, and loss of volume of the deeper tissues.  These changes can lead to lines, folds and wrinkles in the high movement areas around the mouth, nose and jawline.

But with the multi-modal approach we are able to offer at Noaem Skin, we can achieve Reversing these changes and leave you looking and feeling rejuvenated and youthful.

Potentially Beneficial Treatments: Hyaluronic Acid Filler, radiofrequency, polynucleotide injections, microneedling

Not sure what your skin concerns are?

Our highly professional staff, advanced treatments and comforting atmosphere makes Noaem Skin the best choice for your skin and treatment journey.

blemishes & breakouts

Blemishes and breakouts affect most people at some time during their lives. These can vary from blackheads and whiteheads to small red bumps under the skin and chronic spots which can leave scars.

Whether they are affecting your confidence or interfering with other aspects of your skincare or cosmetic ideals, there are plenty of options for reducing or eliminating the effects of blemishes and breakouts.

Potentially Beneficial Treatments: Medical-Grade Skincare, Chemical Peels. SkinPen Microneedling for scarring.

Acne & blemishes
Dry dehydrated skin

Dry & Dehydrated or Oily & Congested Skin

Many people are prone to either dry, dehydrated or oily, congested skin, and these can sometimes be misdiagnosed and unnecessary or inappropriate products and treatments can make things worse.

Usually it is just a case of making the right adjustments to home skincare routines and adding some appropriate skin treatments to significantly improve the comfort, appearance and quality of the skin.

Potentially Beneficial Treatments: Medical-Grade Skincare, Advanced Facials, Chemical Peels

skin prone to redness

Skin prone to redness It is usually associated with sensitivity of the skin and can present as blushing and flushing (sometimes triggered by spicy food or alcohol) or sometimes red spots.  The redness can can come and go, or may be persistent.  There are also a number of dermatological conditions that can contribute to redness of the skin.

It is crucial that the exact cause of the redness is pinpointed before any further steps are taken, as the wrong products or treatments can make the problem much worse.

A consultation is a vital step towards improving this problem.

Potentially Beneficial Treatments: A consultation is required before any treatments can be considered

Skin Prone to Redness
Neck, Hands & Decolletage

Neck, Decolletage & Hands

With such a focus on the face, our necks, decollates and hands are often neglected. These areas have as much exposure to stressors as our facial skin yet we do not generally treat them with the same care and attention. ‘Tech neck’ is a concern that is occurring at younger ages now due to our reliance on devices for just about everything in life. Permanent lines set in across our neck and with collagen loss as we age, the skin can become crepey. The decolletage and hands are areas prone to sun-damage and we see this manifest in age-spots and patchy pigmentation. Loss of collagen causes lines and wrinkles, rough texture and crepiness. Most treatments that we carry out on the face can also be applied to these areas. 

Potentially Beneficial Treatments: Chemical peels, microneedling, radiofrequency, skin boosters, polynucleotides. These areas can also be treated as ad-ons with advanced facials.


“From the first consultation I have felt at ease and totally invested in the treatments and products Iki recommends.”


“I’m nearly finished with a great course of peels and it’s nothing like I expected.

Superb results and Iki, the owner practioner, makes it all a really relaxing experience.”


“I had the retinol treatment with Iki and also bought some skincare products to use at home. Iki was wonderful throughout!”


“Can honestly say I have NEVER been so happy with my skin. I saw immediate reduction in my freckles, my pores are tighter, my skin looks youthful and glowy. I’ve not worn makeup for days which is a first for me.”


Iki and Dr Chris

We are Iki and Dr Chris, a Brighton & Hove-based husband and wife team with over 30 years of experience in healthcare between us. In our careers as a pharmacist and a doctor, we have developed the key attributes that enable us to provide all of our patients with a medical aesthetics experience that is of the highest quality.

Chris and Iki
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